
Showing posts from August, 2024

God’s Grace is Sufficient

It’s testimony time today and we want to focus on the grace of God. Indeed, because of His grace, you and I are still here today. It is because of His mercies why were have not been consumed. Each of us, we have sinned and come short of God’s glory. But God did not punish us as we deserved. We are still here because of grace. So grace is the favour of God that we receive, freely, favour that we do not deserve but God gives to us anyway, because He loves us and is merciful towards us. It is a gift that try as we might we cannot earn. No money can buy it.   I asked yesterday what we can discuss as we call in today to testify of God’s goodness and Sister Monica promptly suggested God's Grace is Sufficient. What Has God’s Grace Done for Us? And so here we are. We know Family that grace is pivotal in understanding salvation, forgiveness, and the Christian life.   1. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us, and I’m reading from the NLT “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t t...

In This Race We All Win

In this race, we all win! What a revelation I had yesterday during our discussion on Slack not your riding!   We all agree that we are running a race. The race is called life. For us, it’s our Christian life, the journey of being born of the flesh and then being born again by or through the Holy Spirit. It’s where we are transformed by God’s grace and guided by faith into a new life in Christ. In the natural, and so too in the spiritual, in this grand race of life, we have some short races, we have some longer races, we have relays, and there are some marathons. One common goal for the participants in these races, men, women, boys, girls, is that they want to win. And according to the world’s standards, it’s either first, second or third place in order to get a gold, silver or bronze medal. Everyone else coming after that, well, they are not considered winners, especially the person who brings up the rear. But I am so glad that as Christians we have been liberated from that thinkin...

Slack Not Your Riding

Looking at the title for today’s discussion, it begs the question: How serious are we taking the knowledge that Jesus Christ is on His way back for a prepared people? How urgent is the need for us to stay ready to meet Jesus face to face? For everything we discuss here has to have a spiritual connection. Even if we begin by talking about something in the practical sense so that we get a better understanding, the ultimate goal is for our spiritual edification, nourishment, growth and living, for ourselves and to help others.   I feel if we want to hear about current affairs, as important as that is, there are other platforms for that. Here at ZJoyVI, I want to know more about Jesus and how He wants me to live. And of course these are definitely things that He wants to know about. Are we on the same page? I hope so. Yesterday, I was having a discussion with a random man and woman at a restaurant. We spoke about natural disasters, our careers, retirement, taking time to take care of o...